Accessory – Wool Wash


At last a specially formulated product for laundering sheepskin products from Seat Covers to Rugs and all Ugg Boots. Woolskin gently cleans and conditions without the harmful chemicals found in most household detergents.


SKU: 91 Category:


At last a specially formulated product for laundering sheepskin products from Seat Covers to Rugs and all Ugg Boots. Woolskin gently cleans and conditions without the harmful chemicals found in most household detergents.

Woolskin woolwash contains a unique blend of non-ionic surfactants, a dispersant to remove oil based stains and a special blend of conditioning agents to replace the oils normally removed during washing. Further, it contains a hospital approved antibacterial agent (Triclosan) which also minimises odours, and Australian Tea Tree Oil (Malaleuca Oil) which is effective against dust mite and Pet Allergens.

  • Water based & biodegradable.
  • Coloursafe
  • Made in Australia
  • 500ml concentrate bottle with easy measuring chamber.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Approximate Lead Times

1-3 working days for Universal Seat Covers, 10-15 working days for Custom Made Sheepskin Seat Covers, 1-3 working days for Ugg Boots & Footwear, 1-3 working days for Rugs, Toys, Baby Products & Accessories